Bibliographical references

Dossier on Argentine digital image 
This Web site gathers studies by Argentine theoreticians on art and new technologies, including essays and curatorial texts by Graciela Taquini. Featured subjects include electronic art production in Argentina, and the work of the Ar Detroy collective.

The Transcuerpos virtual exhibition, created by Graciela Taquini for the Cibertronic virtual electronic art magazine, of the Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero, gathers artists who use the body as an object, ranging from Mexican photographer Miguel Angel Sepulveda to Argentine performer Paula Gaetano.

The Web site of the Museo de Arte Latinoamericano de Buenos Aires features Vertigo, including site specifics by Martín Bonadeo, Nushi Muntaabski, and Augusto Zanela, among other exhibitions curated by Graciela Taquini that the museum has hosted.