Established by Solange O. Farkas in 1991, Associação Cultural Videobrasil was born of the desire for an institution to house a growing body of artworks and publications amassed since the first edition of Festival Videobrasil (current Biennial Sesc_Videobrasil), in 1983. Ever since, Associação has been working systematically to activate this collection, comprising artworks from the world’s Geopolitical South – Latin America, Africa, Eastern Europe, Asia and the Middle East –, video art classics, own productions, and a vast collection of art publications. In 2022, the Associação obtains the status of Advisory Observer of the Community of Portuguese-Speaking Countries, strengthening the deepening of cultural cooperation between member states.

Apart from the Biennial, held every two years, Associação carries out several actions geared at researching, publicizing and mapping out its collection: international art shows; travelling exhibitions; publications about contemporary art and culture; TV shows and the Videobrasil Authors Collection documentaries; seminars, workshops and meetings with artists and researchers, in constant interaction with various fields of knowledge; and artist residency programs, in connection with a wide-ranging network of international collaborators. Associação Videobrasil is also a Member of the Board of IBA, the International Association of Biennials and, through Solange, is a member of the Research Committee for the program Living with Two Brains: Women in New Media Art, 1960s-1990s, of the platform AWARE: Archives of Women Artists, Research and Exhibitions.