After moving into a new house, Maurício Chades began to transform his backyard. From degraded land, it became home to a syntropic system. The work evolved into a process of autofiction. The landscape enclosed within the walls of the yard is transformed and becomes home to birds, insects and fungi, which turn the garden into a multi-species city, as they flee the pesticides and fires that transform the world's most biodiverse savannah into a soybean monoculture. Chades took advantage of the confinement to construct a juxtaposition of his practices of coexistence between species, family memories and the creation of ritual images.

Image and sound: B Paolucci and Julia Gil
Editing: B Paolucci and Julia Gil

Recording of the works
Image: Helena Wolfenson, Marcos Yoshi and Tom Butcher Cury
Sound: Tomás Franco