The Batendo Amalá performance is a development of Heráclito’s inquiries into the influences of Afro culture on Brazil’s sociocultural structure. The recording captures the moment the artist edits the performance in the context of the exhibition Unerasable memories – a historic look at the Videobrasil Collection, as part of the third Public Programs cycle. According to the artist, in his performative action, he stages the preparation of “ajebó,” a votive ritual food for Xangô, the candomblé divinity of Justice, as he evokes his personal requests.
Ayrson Heráclito (1968, Macaúbas, Bahia, Brazil) is a visual artist, curator and professor with an interest in Afro-Brazilian culture. He is featured in the Unerasable memories exhibition with Barrueco (2004).
- More about Ayrson Heráclito in Collection
- Further info on Batendo Amalá in Collection
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