A portrait, in prose and performance, of a life and its memories. The video installation "Retiro", by Puerto Rican Natalia Lassalle-Morillo, is built on the intimate memories of the artist's mother, Gloria.

Constructed with interviews, films and re-enactments, the work brings together, in space and time, three generations or more of women from the Lassalle-Morillo family. After the death of her grandmother, the artist interviews her mother about youth, ageing, mourning and future prospects. Set in the domestic space that the two women share, "Retiro" is a negotiation between facts and the process of extracting truth from memories in different stages of decomposition.

Image and sound: B Paolucci and Julia Gil
Editing: B Paolucci and Julia Gil

Recording of the works
Image: Helena Wolfenson, Marcos Yoshi and Tom Butcher Cury
Sound: Tomás Franco