Formed in 1997 by architects and artists, Bijari is a group that creates visual arts, multimedia and design works. It conceives pieces using various supports and technologies, using analogical and digital media, creating projects whose interests are the conflicts related to the human existence within the urban universe. Urban interventions, performances, video projections are used to establish experiences in which reality is researched. The group, whose production is mostly performed and shown in non-institutional spaces, such as squares, streets, avenues and commercial centers, has already participated in individual festivals and solo exhibitions such as Praças (im)possíveis and Estado de sítio, Galeria Choque Cultural (São Paulo, 2015 and 2010, respectively); the collective exhibits De dentro e de fora, Museu de Arte de São Paulo (2011); and the End of the World Biennial (Ushuaia, 2007), in which they presented the intervention Por que Lutamos?. Its members are Alexandre Marcati, Brandon Pereira, Carol Mentlik, Felipe Sztutman, Gabriela Gomes, Geandre Tomazoni, Gustavo Godoy, João Rocha, João Alencar, Luciana Belinky, Maurício Brandão, Olavo Ekman and Rodrigo Araújo. The studio is based in São Paulo.