The catalog features essays that reflect on contextual and aesthetic aspects relevant to the role of art in the construction of Afro-descendant identities: the researcher Zita C. Nunes examines the relationship between American descendants and their African ancestors; João Carlos Rodrigues recalls that archetypes and caricatures of black people in Brazilian cinema and TV persist, while these populations remain in the economically disadvantaged strata; Cheryl Finley addresses tourism for people of African descent who are looking for a “return to their roots;” and Antônio Godi reveals the disparity between the enormous success of music produced by black Brazilians and the slow progress regarding the social inclusion of these groups. Art critic Koyo Kouh recounts the development of photography on African land; while Rod Stoneman takes stock of African cinema in the 2000s; and Hélio Hara interviews Joel Zito Araújo, director of the film with the largest black cast in Brazilian cinema. They also contribute critical texts about each of the artists in the exhibition: José Eduardo Agualusa, Ricardo Rosas, Mark Sealy, Salah Hassan and Solange Farkas.

Editorial Coordinators: Daniel Trench, Helio Hara, Solange Farkas
Graphic Design: Daniel Trench, Edu Marin Kessedjian, Fernanda Ficher
Collaborators: Antônio Godi, Cheryl Finley, Hélio Hara, João Carlos Rodrigues, José Eduardo Agualusa, Koyo Kouh, Mark Sealy, Ricardo Rosas, Rod Stoneman, Ricardo Rosas, Salah Hassan, Solange Farkas, Zita C. Nunes.

Associação Cultural Videobrasil, 2005, 164 pages, Portuguese/English, width: 23.8 cm, height: 21.5 cm.