An integral part of the homonymous exhibition, which results from Spanish curator Agustín Pérez Rubio's immersion in the works of the Videobrasil Collection, the book features critical texts on the 18 works in the exhibition, written by curators, critics and researchers such as the German professor and researcher Andreas Huyssen, the Brazilian anthropologist Lilia Schwarcz, the Argentine curator Gabriela Salgado and the Spanish curator Octavio Zaya. The publication also includes an interview in which Solange Farkas, curator and director of Videobrasil, talks to the journalist Fabio Cypriano about the institution's collection and the strategies for activating it.
Editor: Agustín Pérez Rubio
Editorial Coordinator: Teté Martinho
Graphic Design: Celso Longo + Daniel Trench
Collaborators: Agustín Pérez Rubio, Ana Francisca Ponzio, Andreas Huyssen, Chus Martinez, Cristiana Tejo, Gabriela Salgado, Inés Katzenstein, Inti Guerrero, Ivana Bentes, João Laia, Lilia Schwarcz, Magda Gonzalez-Mora, Manuel Segade, Manuela Moscoso, Marcos Hill, Octavio Zaya, Omar Berrada, Pablo León de la Barra, Sophie Goltz
Edições Sesc São Paulo and Associação Cultural Videobrasil, 2014, 320 pages, Portuguese/English, width: 16.5 cm, height: 23.5 cm.
ISBN: 978-85-7995-142-8.

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