Celebrating 30 years of Videobrasil, the book revisits this history and searches for the artists, works and ideas that helped build the festival's identity. Texts by Eduardo de Jesus, Gabriel Priolli, Moacir dos Anjos and Paula Alzugaray shed light on the vital inflection points in this journey, such as internationalization and openness to all artistic expressions, and arrange fragments of the history of video—such as the discovery of this medium by international avant-gardes of the 1950s and 1960s, the ideas that renewed productions in the 1960s and 1970s, the drive for renewing the language in the 1980s, the absorption of video artists by the art system in the 1990s and the role of video in other artistic productions from the 2000s onwards.

Editors: Teté Martinho and Solange O. Farkas
Editorial Coordinator: Teté Martinho
Graphic Design: Celso Longo and Daniel Trench

Edições Sesc São Paulo and Associação Cultural Videobrasil, 2014–2015, 352 pages, Portuguese/English, width: 18.5 cm, height: 23.5 cm.
ISBN: 978-85-7995-180-0

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