Performance directs the editorial focus of the debut edition of Cadernos Sesc_Videobrasil. Edited by the curator José Augusto Ribeiro, the volume proposes an alternative to the official history of the genre, covering an arc of time that extends from Brazilian modernism to current art projects carried out in Latin America and the Middle East. Given the fundamentally interdisciplinary nature of performance, the magazine opts for reflections originating from the visual arts, a field of activities also prone to creations that are developed on the frontier between expressions.
Editor: José Augusto Ribeiro
Editorial Coordinator: Solange Farkas
Graphic design: warrakloureiro
Collaborators: Ana Bernstein, André Brasil, Christine Mello, Coco Fusco, Eduardo de Jesus, Guillermo Gómez-Peña, Guy Brett, João Paulo Leite, Luiz Camillo Osorio, Rasha Salti, Ricardo Basbaum, Suely Rolnik.

Sesc São Paulo and Associação Cultural Videobrasil, 2005, 144 pages, Portuguese/English, width: 18.5 cm, height: 23 cm.
ISSN: 1808-6675.
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