Events, notes, vegetation and characters collide and overflow from the papers, invading the wall in delicate tangles of graphite, ink and chromatic punctuations. In his site-specific work, Virgílio Neto composes spaces without depth, but of varying densities: the sensation is of entering a forest where the plant formations partially block the eye.

The artist's cartographies undo the preciousness of the drawings in smudges and scribbles that imprint the marks of the artist's undisciplined body. The enlarged scale summons viewers to an experience that disorganizes the gaze, causing a certain vertigo: the illusion of movement of our bodies or the surrounding environment.

Image and sound: B Paolucci and Julia Gil
Editing: B Paolucci and Julia Gil

Recording of the works
Image: Helena Wolfenson, Marcos Yoshi and Tom Butcher Cury
Sound: Tomás Franco