"For a long time, we've all been told that there's one thing that's science, another that's art and a broader thing that we call 'knowledge'. I've never believed in this separation," says Ailton Krenak.

The indigenous leader, environmentalist, artist and writer looks at the relationship between nature and culture from a critical perspective, which understands the Anthropocene as the cause of the environmental crisis we are experiencing today. The four paintings, three serigraphs and three ink drawings presented at the Sesc_Videobrasil Biennial draw attention to the urgent need to rethink our relationship with nature and indigenous peoples, and to seek more sustainable and just solutions to environmental emergencies.

Image and sound: B Paolucci and Julia Gil
Editing: B Paolucci and Julia Gil

Recording of the works
Image: Helena Wolfenson, Marcos Yoshi and Tom Butcher Cury
Sound: Tomás Franco