The author of an essay that combines the radical language of video art and documentary devices, Carlos Nader comments on the 1990s, when he made his first appearances at Videobrasil, with "Trovoada" (1995), "O fim da viagem" (1996) and "Carlos Nader" (1998). Nader also talks about his relationship with the poet Waly Salomão.

"Discussing the archive" is an action consisting of a cycle of meetings that activate the Videobrasil Historical Collection, deepening the reading of its contents. Artists, curators, researchers and critics who have collaborated or participated in various editions of the Videobrasil Biennial comment on specific periods in its history and video production in the Global South. The meeting was part of the Public Programs of the 22nd Biennial Sesc_Videobrasil, at Sesc 24 de Maio, in dialogue with the "40-Year Special" exhibition, which can be visited online here.

Camera: Helena Wolfeson
Post-production: Tom Butcher Cury