"Solar Orders", by Kent Chan | Performance | 22ª Bienal
The performance speculates on the fictional global tropics of the future and life in the solar orders, societies whose central organizing principle is the sun.
"Fragments Untitled #5 (Images of past as images of future)", by Doplgenger | Performance | 22nd Biennial
Part of an artistic project that examines the participation of the media in the construction of historical narratives in Yugoslavia in the 1980s, 1990s and 2000s.
BFVPP Project | Launch | Dossier Anna Bella Geiger
The project aims to recover and give visibility to video works produced by women artists between 1960 and 1984.
public programs
Samuel Fosso | Meeting with artists | 22nd Biennial
Through photography and performance, Samuel Fosso gives autofiction and self-portraiture dimensions that are both political and historical, fictional and intimate.
public programs
On the banks of the Cuiabá River: land, rights and Indigenous technologies | Meeting with artists | 22nd Biennial
A conversation about the different technologies that allow us to challenge traditional notions of what indigenous art is and rethink the notions of memory and heritage in the Latin American context.
public programs
Stagnant water bears poison: national history and personal legacy | Meeting with artists | 22nd Biennial
A conversation between Janaina Wagner, Sofia Borges and TANG Han, mediated by Siddharta Perez, on the historical legacy as a factor in the construction of identity and social action.
public programs
Of the phantasmatic country of oblivion: objects, archives, collections | Meeting withs artists | 22nd Biennial
A conversation with Leila Danziger, Eduardo Montelli and Zé Carlos Garcia, mediated by Paula Nascimento, discusses archiving strategies, the role of objects, and the ethics and emotions involved in collecting.
public programs
A threaded archipelago from the suit of memory: memorial and place | Meeting with artists | 22nd Biennial
The impact of forced displacement, banishment, exile and war on the memory of individuals and peoples, on cultural representation and on the historical understanding for different generations.
public programs
Ashes of an emptied body: image, race and form | Meeting with artists | 22nd Biennial
The artists Maksaens Denis, Seba Calfuqueo and Vitória Cribb discuss how images help to sustain prejudices and corroborate imaginaries of fear and desire.
public programs
The bed that lodges the shipwrecked: Building institutions in the Global South | Meeting with artists | 22nd Biennial
Artists Mella Jaarsma and Tirzo Martha discuss strategies for building art institutions in marginalized countries.
public programs