Akram Zaatari | VCA

The artist comments and shows his earliest images, created at age 16


Coco Fusco | VCA

In an interview, the artist discusses the military themes in some of her projects


Dobra 24.9.2003, by Angela Detanico, Rafael Lain and Carlos Farinha | 14th Festival

Dobra is a collective piece created in real time, using interfaces that generate hybrid image and sound compositions live


Sebastián Diaz Morales |14th Festival

The Argentinean artist discusses the popularization of video apparatus and its spread amongst the public at a meeting during the 14th Festival.


Rabih Mroué | 14th Festival

During the 14th Festival, the Lebanese artist discusses his video Face A Face B


Cao Guimarães | 13rd Festival

According to the artist, which featured two pieces at the 2001 competitive show, his works are based on error, on the experience of randomness, and on the contingencies of the world


Priamo Lozada |13rd Festival

The curator discusses the work of Ximena Cuevas, who featured in the 13th edition, held in 2001. Cuevas ranks among the most relevant Mexican artists to experiment with video language

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