Kiko Goifman e Jurandir Muller | 12nd Festival
The directors of Palio TV discuss the conception of Urbe, a piece shown at the Festival of 1998 and portraying the urban surroundings of São Paulo’s Paulista Avenue. The piece was inspired by a book by architect Marta Bogea
Panoramas do Sul: Hipóteses para o Sul (3) | 17º Festival
The role of curatorial actions in creating new mappings for Southern production. The panel is a part of the 2011 edition
public programs
Panoramas do Sul: Hipóteses para o Sul (2) | 17º Festival
The role of curatorial actions in creating new mappings for Southern production. The panel is a part of the 2011 edition
public programs
Southern Panoramas: Reflections on Contemporary Art (1) | 17th Festival
Artistic and curatorial practices that take art as the foundation from which to build citizenship. The panel is a part of the 2011 edition seminars
public programs
Cao Guimarães | 13rd Festival
According to the artist, which featured two pieces at the 2001 competitive show, his works are based on error, on the experience of randomness, and on the contingencies of the world
Exergie - Butter Dance, by Melati Suryodarmo | 15th Festival
Belief in the physical body as a mirror to inner universes is what drives the performance by Indonesia’s Melati Suryodarmo, a member of the Independent Performance Group founded by Marina Abramovic
Bare Life Study #1, by Coco Fusco | 15th Festival
“I want to prompt reflection on the state of exception that has become a part of political life.” In her Bare Life performance, Coco Fusco coordinates 50 volunteers for an urban intervention on the streets of São Paulo
Tulse Luper VJ Performance, by Peter Greenaway | 16th Festival
The performance is part of the Tulse Luper Suitcases multimedia project, a reconstruction of a writer’s life. Greenaway proposes a new narrative for cinema by using public space as the setting at which the collective experience takes place