Luiz de Abreu | Agora somos todxs negrxs?
The artist answers the question "Now we are all blacks?", Which names the exhibition in which he participates.
Eustáquio Neves | Agora somos todxs negrxs?
The artist answers the question "Now we are all blacks?", Which names the exhibition in which he participates.
Dalton Paula | Agora somos todxs negrxs?
The artist answers the question "Now we are all blacks?", Which names the exhibition in which he participates.
Ayrson Heráclito | Agora somos todxs negrxs?
The artist answers the question "Now we are all blacks?", Which names the exhibition in which he participates.
Júlia Rebouças | MitoMotim
Julia Rebouças talks about the curatorship of the exhibition MitoMotim
Daniel Lima | Agora somos todxs negrxs?
Curator talks about negritude, Haitianism, and decolonization
Gabriel Bogossian | Resist, reexist
Curator talks about the ideas and ideals behind the exhibition
Cármen Ferreira | Resist, reexist
Testimony by the coordinator of the Struggle for Housing Front (FLM) is part of the Resist, reexist exhibition
Douglas Mansur | Resist, reexist
Photojournalist who has been following the struggle for land for over 30 years talks about his experience
Talk with Claudia Andujar | Nada levarei quando morrer, aqueles que me devem cobrarei no inferno
Closing event of the exhibition
public programs