Dana Awartani | 21st Biennial
The artist talks about her work I Went Away and Forgot You. A While Ago I Remembered. I Remembered I’d Forgotten You. I Was Dreaming, exhibited in the 21st Contemporary Art Biennial Sesc_Videobrasil
Thanh Hoang | 21st Biennial
The artist talks about her work Nikki’s Here, exhibited in the 21st Contemporary Art Biennial Sesc_Videobrasil
No Martins | 21st Biennial
The artist talks about his work #JÁBASTA!, exhibited in the 21st Contemporary Art Biennial Sesc_Videobrasil
Gabriela Golder | 21st Biennial
The artist talks about her work Laboratorio de invención social (o posibles formas de construcción colectiva), exhibited in the 21st Contemporary Art Biennial Sesc_Videobrasil
21st Contemporary Art Biennial Sesc_Videobrasil | Imagined Communities
Concept of the 21st Contemporary Art Biennial Sesc_Videobrasil
making of & recordings
O BΔNQUETE, by Ana Pi | 2nd Videobrasil Dance Season
Recording of dance show by Ana Pi featured in the 2nd Videobrasil Dance Season
Minerva Cuevas | Dissidence
The Mexican artist talks about the exhibition Minerva Cuevas: Dissidence: Videos
Cosmovisions com Beatriz Lemos and Casé Angatú | 20th Festival
Open class with Beatriz Lemos and Casé Angatu on the amerindian cosmovisions in contemporary art
public programs
From today's art to built space: other forms and practices beyond the modern with Diego Matos and Guilherme Wisnik | 20th Festival
Open class with Diego Matos and Guilherme Wisnik on other forms and practices beyond the modern in contemporary art
public programs
Reinvention and resistance with Ana Pato and Márcio Seligmann-Silva | 20th Festival
Open class with Ana Pato and Márcio Seligmann-Silva on reinvention and resistance in contemporary art
public programs