Runo Lagomarsino | 19th Festival

The artist talks about his work Following the Light of the Sun, I Only Discovered the Ground, which took part in the exhibition Southern Panoramas | Selected Artists as part of the 19th Festival


Rodrigo Cass | 19th Festival

The artist talks about his work Découverte des Américains, which took part in the exhibition Southern Panoramas | Selected Artists as part of the 19th Festival


Rodolpho Parigi | 19th Festival

The artist talks about his performance Fancy em Pyetà, segundo ato, which took part in the exhibition Southern Panoramas | Selected Artists as part of the 19th Festival


Roberto Santaguida | 19th Festival

The artist talks about his work Goran, which took part in the exhibition Southern Panoramas | Selected Artists as part of the 19th Festival


Paulo Nimer Pjota | 19th Festival

The artist talks about his paintings exhibited at the exhibition Southern Panoramas | Selected Artists as part of the 19th Festival


Letícia Ramos | 19th Festival

The artist talks about her work VOSTOK_screening, which took part in the exhibition Southern Panoramas | Selected Artists as part of the 19th Festival


João Castilho | 19th Festival

The artist talks about his work Zoo, which took part in the exhibition Southern Panoramas | Selected Artists as part of the 19th Festival


Haroon Gunn-Salie | 19th Festival

the South African artist talks about his work Sunday Best, which took part in the exhibition Southern Panoramas | Selected Artists as part of the 19th Festival


Felipe Bittencourt | 19th Festival

The artist talks about his work Performance Diária, which took part in the exhibition Southern Panoramas | Selected Artists as part of the 19th Festival


Dor Guez | 19th Festival

The Israeli artist talks about his work Bypass, which took part in the exhibition Southern Panoramas | Selected Artists as part of the 19th Festival
