Zafer Topaloglu | 18th Festival

The artist reflects on the construction of memory in his work featured in the 18th Festival


Mahmoud Khaled | 18th Festival

The artist talks about his piece At Five in the Afternoon, his relationship with the Festival and with the city of São Paulo


Ayrson Heráclito | 18th Festival

The artist discusses his piece Funfun, which won a prize at the 18th Festival, from the perspective of the boundary between reality and fiction, a moment that opens up new possibilities for seeing the world


19th September 2001 | 13th Festival

O Videojornal da 13ª edição foi exibido dentro das programações do Wallpaper, e veiculou imagens em um formato dinâmico sobre o dia-a-dia do Festival

making of & recordings

Luiz de Abreu | 18th Festival

The 18th Festival Southern Panoramas Grand Prize winner discusses his piece Samba do Crioulo Doido
