The artist recounts her childhood memories and family history, with Israeli politics playing a prominent role. She speaks with her Palestinian-born parents, who participated in the fulfilment of the Zionist dream of building the State of Israel; and revises the political thinking and practical exercise of diplomacy of her grandfather Moshe, Sharett, ousted from his post as Foreign Minister after opposing the Sinai War, in an indirect reaffirmation of ideals that predated Zionism and the establishment of the democratic State of Israel. This piece is about recollections, family ties and broken political ideals, as it helps to deconstruct an official social history. The video represents a significant turning point for Sharett: even though she still draws raw material from her own life as she did in past works, she no longer restricts herself to more immediate interpersonal experiences. Here, she resizes her individual memory as she explores her relationships with the historical events that surround her. This is certainly a metanarrative that uncovers crucial points from a progressive, humanistic, secular thinking that grows farther and farther from the age of extremes that surfaced over the past few years. 
