Kiko is an anthropologist graduated at the Federal Univesrsity of Minas Gerais (UFMG). M.A. in Multimeios at the University of Campinas(Unicamp). He is the author of the book and CD-ROM Valetes em Slow-Motion (1998), winner of the 7th Grand Prix Möbius in Paris, and part of the collection of the Centre Georges Pompidou. He directed the films: 33 (2004), exhibited in Locarno, Rotterdam and Best Script Award in 2004 at the Cinema Paulista FIESP/SESI; Atos dos Homens (2006), The Berlinale Festival and the Best documentary film at the Festival de Nantes (2006); Filmefobia (2008), Festival del film Locarno and winner at the Festival de Brasília 2008 and Olhe Pra Mim de Novo (2011), Special Prize of Jury at the Festival do Rio and exhibited at The Berlinale Festival (2012). Received tributes and retrospectives of his works at the Festival de Cinema de Tiradentes, Mostra do Audiovisual Paulista, Festival de Toulouse, Festival de Santa Maria da Feira e Festival de Tampere. In October, 2013, on the main competition at the Festival do Rio, released the fiction feature film Periscópio (2013).