Indigenous leader, environmentalist, artist, writer and journalist, honorary doctor from the Federal University of Juiz de Fora (UFJF), Brazil. In his texts and paintings, he dialogues with aspects of indigenous traditions and activism. He took center stage in a remarkable gesture during the debates of the 1987 National Constituent Assembly: he painted his face with black genipap paste while speaking in the National Congress, as a sign of mourning for the setbacks in the processes in favor of indigenous rights. He participated in the founding of the Union of Indigenous Nations and the Alliance of Forest Peoples movement. He had his works shown in institutions such as the Museu de Arte Moderna de São Paulo, Brazil (2021); Pinacoteca de São Paulo (2020); Sesc Pinheiros, São Paulo (2016). He is the author of the books “Futuro ancestral” [Ancestral future] (2022) and “Ideias para adiar o fim do mundo” [Ideas to postpone the end of the world] (2019), among others. He lives in the Krenak Indigenous Land.